sábado, 27 de agosto de 2022

Blog 1. A country i would like to visit.

 Hi everyone , Always i haved a feeling very strong for my territory and always i had feeling the close to other of Latin countrys, if i have the oportunitie of travel to other country i would to visit Bolivia because i believe that is a country very magical with a lot history, a lot art and lot differents places for visitit.One the firts places i would like to visit is the City of La Paz, this is the seat of the executive and legislative branches of the national government, there you can find differents museums, such as Museum of Musical Instruments where that save some older musical instruments of the country, there you can look at instruments create to based differents animals, older pictures about the firts native peoples, this is realy excite for me. also i would like to visit the National Museum of Art because there you can find some the best antique textile fabrics of the time pre-colombian, i sure be must a amazing musuem. i would like to learn more about this type expressions of arts because i i'm a plastic artist and the visualitys Latin are interesting and important for me , in special the textile art. 

I would like to work in La Paz, i would to like do tattoos and avail for learn more about the Andean culture, his drawing , his textils pieces and really all that about your territory. 

Changes to My Study Programme

Plastic arts is the first carreer that i participe, has been all a challenge because i came of living crazy life with a lot party, now i...